You are incredibly ignorant of the origins of organic gardening, and as a result, have invented a "conspiracy" where there is none. (It's too bad Rodale and other organic pioneers are largely pushed off the Internet and its searches, but it's your job to dig deeper. At first, it was Cuba desperately learning from them.)

Forced starvation and persecution from the government is going to roll out completely independent of organic gardening, and in fact, home gardeners (who learn from and usually practice organic gardening) will be the only bulwark against starvation in the days to come, and the only ones with the knowledge to rebuild. That the state will pull guns on home gardeners at some point has nothing at all to do with organic gardening, which is often merely the technique of choice for the independent, small gardener.

It's such a shame that vegans and organic gardeners, who are your staunchest allies in breaking free from these criminal governments who impose the blockades and famines, have to be wrongfully targeted as part of the enemy you rail against.

Whether you know it or not, you are engaged in disinformation.

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This documentary is not about gardening, it's about farming. Gardening is a hobby. Farming feeds nations.

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And a lot of people are already feeding themselves with backyard gardens. It's hardly ever "just a hobby" unless growing flowers. Small-scale farming (much of it organic) already supplies tons of fruit and vegetable production, taking care of a pretty good percentage of non-staple and non-meat foods.

Understand that no one is in favor of shutting down large-scale farming. So therefore people who are in tune with nature and gardening (and farming) "organic" have nothing to do with the starvation agenda. NOTHING WHATEVER! We may prefer organic over industrial, but there has never been any movement on the part of any people anywhere, to shut down industrial food production. Only a tiny fringe of brainwashed youth who have not learned science yet, but are eager to shill for depopulation and carry signs. They are not gardeners of any kind, either.

But there sure is a lot of pressure on the government to deflect blame, and you seem to be taking advantage of it. Okay, so now we have a conspiracy theory that the Organic movement is in collusion with rabid de-populationists!

In your documentary you make it sound like "the left" (and the captured hippies who are only a small part of the organic movement) somehow "support" the Cuba blockade, or "need it to continue" in order to justify their ideologies. But it's simply not true, and you provide zero supporting evidence that it is.

Either you are shilling for de-populationists or you are unable to directly call them out for what they are. They are the authors and planners of de-population and have been using food to rule and control for a very long time. They do not have any allies or impetus from the grassroots - be they organic or hippie or vegan, or whoever you'd like to point the finger at for having an apparent collusion of interests with destroying various food sources.

Yes, sections of the "organic" industry are corrupt. We know this. But the grassroots movement is for care of the earth and care for health, and has nothing whatever to do with destroying large-scale agriculture. I've been in and around the movement all my long life and have never seen anything but good among these people, and certainly no agenda to take down large-scale production.

Just because you see some "champion" of small agriculture defend some big government green agenda, does not mean he/she speaks for the small-scale agriculture or organic movements or knows anything about what actually motivates them.

The fact that you seek to portray that idea so ambiguously is dishonest, and frankly, strikes me as passive-aggressive. There is no need to position organic or vegan or any other personal lifestyle choices - except perhaps religious extremists in agreement for whatever reason - with the horrific depopulation agendas of the WEF and governments.

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Aesop's Lost Fables: The Boy Who Declared Things

with apologies to Aesop


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