Energy/Empire: Part 1 Cuba's Man-Made Famine
A documentary series exploring the globalist conspiracy to control food, energy, people and nations
If you control food and energy, you can control people and nations. The collapse of the USSR left its ally Cuba reeling in a food and energy famine known as the “Special Period in the Time of Peace.” Meanwhile, the United States experienced a blossoming back-to-the-land organic hippie movement. Was it a communist conspiracy? A globalist conspiracy? Is food an energy restricted via “organic food movements” by choice or force? Part one of this film series explores these questions.
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You are incredibly ignorant of the origins of organic gardening, and as a result, have invented a "conspiracy" where there is none. (It's too bad Rodale and other organic pioneers are largely pushed off the Internet and its searches, but it's your job to dig deeper. At first, it was Cuba desperately learning from them.)
Forced starvation and persecution from the government is going to roll out completely independent of organic gardening, and in fact, home gardeners (who learn from and usually practice organic gardening) will be the only bulwark against starvation in the days to come, and the only ones with the knowledge to rebuild. That the state will pull guns on home gardeners at some point has nothing at all to do with organic gardening, which is often merely the technique of choice for the independent, small gardener.
It's such a shame that vegans and organic gardeners, who are your staunchest allies in breaking free from these criminal governments who impose the blockades and famines, have to be wrongfully targeted as part of the enemy you rail against.
Whether you know it or not, you are engaged in disinformation.
Aesop's Lost Fables: The Boy Who Declared Things
with apologies to Aesop