Apr 11Liked by Alex Dimitrios, Fox Green

During the several months I was communicating with Bret Weinstein and Chris Martenson, I was irritated at their reticence to talk about China. This was late 2021 and early 2022. I was trying to enter into the notion that China was reorganized by the West, and that we needed to discuss the differences between reality and the Matrix media perceptions.

Neither would enter into the conversation.

Early in 2022, I left their little chat group.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Alex Dimitrios, Fox Green

Excellent takedown of Weinstein's screed! I cannot say much more, except:

As a person who's major was Ecology, I can say that Barrio Colorado Island is like a sacred religious site for Gaia worshipers. It is like their Jerusalem. In college handout after handout, "Barrio Colorado Island" (Panama) kept being mentioned. And you mention that none other than Nazi SS officer and royal family member Prince Bernhard and "I want to Reincarnate as a Deadly Virus" Prince Phillip were the ones setting aside the Darien Gap to be not developed as a highway. This really puts the clincher: the Anglo-Dutch-Venetian oligarchy has ALWAYS been about control of maritime chokepoints.

Ironically, though, developing a highway through Darien Gap's small land area of jungle would PRESERVE much jungle in South America. Let me explain: I went to Ecuador in 1996 to help a research team in collecting plant samples in their western cloud forests. Most of the occupation of forest land and degradation of forest land was from poverty. From south american settlers cutting down forestwood for firewood to cook and for living. With the increased transportation allowing goods and services through Pan-America uplifting economies of all these countries, the poverty would be reduced. Not to mention if China and the US worked together to build nuclear energy for south american countries, people would no longer need to cut down rainforest for firewood. The land area of Ecuador's forests is far greater than the land area of Panama's rainforest. So, building a road through ten hectares of jungle in Panama could potentially save hundreds of hectares of jungle in Ecuador and Brazil, which is far larger. Most of the causes of rainforest deforestation is from poverty and desperation.

Yet protecting forest was NEVER these guys' goals; it's always been about choking maritime points and silo-ing people off from development. That's why, of all the rainforests in Latin America to be sanctified into a Gaia Holy Site, it happens to be the Darien Gap, the smallest rainforest in land area yet the one place where transportation is needed most!

After Weinstein's podcast, I went and did my own research on the proposed Chinese Nicaraguan canal that was shelved. I had read that, if the Chinese had been successful in building that, Nicaragua would have been uplifted into the most prosperous and wealthy country of Latin America.

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Apr 14Liked by Alex Dimitrios

This stack documents the failings of American Policy in the Global South and South America. History is (and needs to be front and center) called upon. If we look back in time we see the CIA partners is assassinating the president of Chile, Salvador Allende. On 11 September 1973, the Chilean military moved to oust Allende in a coup d'état supported by the CIA, which initially denied the allegations.

The RED scare is back with a vengeance. One has to wonder why the US oligarchs keep the boot on the necks of middle class and poor US citizens as well as the Global South in general. What are the Oligarchs afraid of. Or is purely driven by the profit motive, with war being the most profitable business.

It is crazy to see this repeat it self over and over again.

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Apr 11Liked by Alex Dimitrios

Thanks for this excellent analyses.

There are few things that annoy me in today's quickly changing geo-political landscape - but this bizarre story managed to do so.

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Mar 11Liked by Alex Dimitrios

I basically agree with this- developing Central America would dramatically increase their living standards and reduce emigration from that region significantly.

Weinstein has gone completely nuts and the problem is that he thinks about technology like a biologist, so he is stuck in the Malthusian paradigm and he goes down the zero sum rabbit hole just like all the rest of the biologist/ecologist losers like Ehrlich, Carson, etc. If engineers thought like that we would all be dead.

I'm not sure I agree with implying that there was a conspiracy for every president that supported the Pan Am Highway... in any case, the project would have taken a long time across multiple presidencies and there are plenty of other crazy things that were going on during those times!

Funny to see that the Sierra Club was at work here though- This basically maps perfectly to what Yuri Bezmonov was saying about the Soviets funding the radicals to fight against the US interests without even knowing it.

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Mar 11Liked by Alex Dimitrios

Fun fact; China's one-child policy was birthed (pun intended) at a Dutch university.

In the late seventies Deng Xiaoping opened up China and part of this policy was to send Chinese academics all over the world. One of them arrived unannounced at Twente University and nobody really knew what to do with this unexpected Chinese guest. So a young graduate was given the task to host him. (In those days communication was definitely an issue a neither spoke a common language)

One of the things the graduate did was to demonstrate his project - a rudimentary computer program that simulated population growth. That (deeply flawed) program made its way back to China where it quickly created a bit of a panic among the bureaucrats in Beijing. The rest is one-child history.

Decades later the graduate (now a professor) and his Chinese guest met again at Twente University and they had a good laugh remembering their first encounter. Considering the demographic abyss China is now facing, I don't think it is that funny.

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Mar 11Liked by Alex Dimitrios

Excellent article, which exposes the lies currently being generated against China and Russia and the Belt and Road initiative. These lies are engineered by the same parties that are responsible for every Satanic scheme conducted on the planet in the past and the present. I hope that these parties - and we know who they are - will ultimately be defeated and destroyed for the benefit of mankind.

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I know who you speak of Cynthia and I suspect you are correct. “TPTB” knew at some point either China and/or Russia would stand in the way of their hegemony. So we have the Left hating Russia and the Right hating China. I’m a conservative fellow and I must say it is frustrating. It seems they haven’t learned much over the last couple of years. Many still refuse to acknowledge the shotcallers failing to understand the Cultural Marxists (CM) are a means to an end. To be fair those CM’s do have a lot of power. Their platform is being used by the elites to usher in their grand vision for the future Agenda 2030.

Was debating with a couple guys yesterday. At least conservatives are not impervious to facts. Told them we must be careful how we judge China. They are being treated in identical fashion to Russia. Both countries threaten to upset the apple cart of the ruling Western Elite. I’m doing my best to change minds too 😉

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Is this a joke? It has to be a joke.

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The One Child Policy did help create a 1.2 to 1 male to female gender ratio in China? That belongs with 'Ghost City' memes.

Just as the former 'ghost cities' are now thriving metropolises, the gender ratio in China is quite healthy, thanks to political scientist John Kennedy: “Thirty-million girls–the population of California – are missing from the population, and they think they’re just gone?”

Kennedy compared 2010 census figures with girls’ enrollment and graduation rates in 2016 and reported: "Most people are using a demographic explanation to say that abortion or infanticide is why girls don’t show up in the census and that they don’t exist, but we find there’s a political explanation. The point of contention is the interaction between the central State’s capacity to influence local officials and local officials’ willingness to implement central policies – particularly unpopular ones. We find that millions of unreported female births ‘appear’ in older cohorts, and this also reflects a cultural shift regarding the value of girls in China. The ‘preference for sons’ cultural argument suggests that parents see sons as necessary for elderly care and contributions to the family income while daughters are viewed as a burden.

"However, scholars suggest that, over the last few decades and especially since the introduction of economic reforms, daughters have contributed more to their natal families (i.e., increased their value). Still, 1990, 2000, and 2010 censuses show that unreported male births are overwhelmingly registered between the ages of one and ten years old, but that the vast majority of children registered after the age of ten are females. This implies an administrative bias towards sons whereby they are registered earlier than daughters, rather than a strict son preference (i.e., fewer daughters)".

Kennedy interviewed a farmer who introduced his elder daughter and son by name but referred to his middle daughter as ‘the non-existent one’. “He told us that his first daughter was registered but that when his second child, another daughter, was born they did not register her and instead waited to have another child. The third child was a boy and they registered him as the second child”. Village officials, who are often clan relatives, turned a blind eye to children born outside family planning limits and left them unreported. Kennedy found that, though the government relaxed the rural one-child policy in the 1980s, village-level enforcement had already bypassed it, and the thirty-million girls were where they should be: in school.

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Hosanna in the highest, to China. Heil China, the perfect country of the world. LOL.

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All history aside, why does this article sound like a pity party for the Chinese and Latin American countries? Anytime, I hear someone cross breed the terms evolutionary and biologist I want to throw up in my mouth.

Everyone in this world has been abused and oppressed at one time or another. Suck it up. Its happened ever since someone figured out how to exploit another human being. Now change it.

I don't give a damn where these people come from. They are illegally crossing our borders (North, South, and East). We see the garbage, death, and destruction they leave behind on their "journey". Saying something like "if we just build bridges for them it will make their journey easier" is like saying "if we just give them plane tickets (which IS happening too) ". The notion that if we "just worked with China and South America to make their countries better less people would be coming here" is bullshit. People would still come here illegally the only difference is NOW you cut down all the forests to build bridges and they would still dump their garbage all over the bridges. How is that a "win"? If this is a fact that bridges and roads decrease illegal immigration to western countries then WHY are they still coming? The argument doesn't hold water. This avalanche came all at once and it started when the Potato and thief said "c'mon on in the waters fine". Look beyond the tip of your nose, the end game is WORLD communist domination(EVIL). Its much more than the physical aspects of this world as we perceive it. Its good against evil. Perhaps I am missing the point of this article , so be it. I am looking at the heart of the matter for OUR country. These people are flooding borders around the world illegally. When they get to their temporary or permanent destinations they bring their same old crappy life and habits with them. Look at NYC or Chicago. Those 2 being the worst examples I can think of. Knowing people personally that live in both places I get regular reports from them telling me what has been happening where they live. They have turned relative shitholes into even worse shitholes. So I'm not talking out of my ass on this or basing "opinions" on what I see in the news or hear from podcasters.

I don't care if you're chinese, latin, haitian, etc.. you come here, come here LEGALLY. Assimilate. You say you came here for a better life don't come here and think you're going to impose your shitty way of life on others. You will eventually hit a brick wall - HARD(that brick wall is coming fast)! Now, I am going to say that the Chinese and other folks that come here legally are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. I've known many and they have my respect.

I don't feel sorry one bit for other countries and what has happened around the world. The world populations (MEN) have gotten so weak in so many ways that virtually NO ONE has the "nads" to stand up anymore and say ENOUGH! That's the demoralization stage. While the rest of us that are left are sitting out here saying "if you're not going to stand up why should I go it alone and get stood up against the wall, that's just stupid?"

Postulating all the reasons why things are the way they are is empty pontification ( I guess I'm being a bit of a hypocrite even writing this, oh well, I'm allowed at least once a year) with zero results and time wasted (much like our governments). The REAL problem in this world isn't lack of bridges, etc. The REAL problem is a lack of RESPECT for the word of God and rules HE set forth for us to follow. Its lacking the respect for laws and rights of others. Its our lacking ability to consider the long range impacts of what we do as humans. We need to each, as country's, respectively stay in our own lanes and clean up our OWN back yards and keep our noses out of each others business.

Ive read and retweaked this rant at least 10 times now. Enough on my rant!! Trigger pulled, execute!

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